⚖ Traffic Law

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⚖ Traffic Lawyers

Demerit points are assessed to drivers when convicted of a moving violation, beginning on the date of the violation. The courts send the Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) Division of Motor Vehicles records of all convictions for moving traffic violations.

Persons who hold a probationary license are assessed double points for the second and all subsequent points. When 12 or more demerit points are accumulated in one year, a suspension of the driver privilege is required, for a minimum of two months.

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When 12 or more demerit points build up in one year, your driver’s license will be suspended for a minimum of two months. If your driver’s license is suspended, it will be on your record for five years from the date of suspension, except in the circumstances for serious offenses or alcohol-related convictions, which remain on your driving record for 55 years.

Convictions include, but are not limited to the following:

🚨 Violations

🚨 Attempting to elude an officer
🚨 Failure to perform duty after accident
🚨 Operating while revoked or suspended
🚨 Reckless driving or racing
🚨 Speeding 20 mph or more over limit
🚨 Violation of occupational license
🚨 Deviating from traffic lane
🚨 Driving on wrong side of street
🚨 Failure to yield right of way
🚨 Failure to yield to emergency vehicle
🚨 Imprudent driving, failure to control
🚨 Inattentive driving
🚨 Failure to stop for school bus
🚨 Speeding 11 through 19 mph over limit
🚨 Unnecessary acceleration
🚨 Arterial or traffic control violation
🚨 Driving wrong way on one way street
🚨 Failure to dim lights
🚨 Failure to give proper signal
🚨 Following too closely
🚨 Illegal passing
🚨 Improper brakes or lights
🚨 Operating with expired license
🚨 Operating with multiple licenses
🚨 Prohibited or illegal turn
🚨 Speeding 1 through 10 mph over limit
🚨 Violation of restriction
🚨 Obstructing traffic
🚨 Parking on highway in traffic lane
🚨 License not in person's possession
🚨 No registration plate light